Saturday, August 9, 2008

Snow and Birds

Last Thursday it was almost 60 degrees and sunny all day. By noon the house was so warm from the sun that we turned the heat off. On Friday the temperature fell dramatically, it snowed a little, more like hail, and Friday night it snowed some more. On Saturday night the temperature got down almost to 10 degrees (that's Fahrenheit) and it snowed a little more. It didn't stick much where we live, right at sea level, but we could see snow from dining room, looking up in the hills.

Dunedin's climate has so many similarities to Seattle, but it certainly changes much faster than Seattle. We've been getting so much pleasure lately from feeding birds on a table on our deck, right outside our dining room. So we can sit and eat and watch the birds: green finches, sparrows and silvereyes come and eat, and blackbirds sit around on the railing of the deck, or in the tree, watching. The blackbirds here have orange beaks. I didn't get a photo of a blackbird, but here are some sparrow and green finches. It's not a great photo because it was taken through the sliding glass doors of our dining room, but it gives you an idea of the fun we're having watching them.

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