Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two of Dave's new paintings

Dave has been painting up a storm, and I haven't posted any of his paintings for a while. Here are two that were recently in an Otago Art Society show. The first one won a prize -- $100! -- and it sold at the show. The subject is the World War I monument on the Otago Peninsula. You can see out to the mouth of the Otago Harbour in the distance. I think I've mentioned before that New Zealand lost more soldiers per capita than any other country in both World War I and II, so there are war monuments everywhere.

This second painting is the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, just a couple blocks from our house. The flowers along the pathway are tree roses and are lovely all summer long and well into the fall. We have a neighbor who is a member of that church, and she took Dave over to show the painting to the priest, who bought it at first glance.

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