Sunday, September 30, 2007

A scouting trip for fishing season

Fishing season opened today and Dave spent the morning fishing at a lagoon on the outskirts of town. He caught two fish and came home happy and cold. On Saturday he went to check out this lagoon that he had heard of. So here are some photos from his Saturday outing. As he drove through town, he noticed that the sun was right to take pictures of the buildings on the main shopping street, George Street. We had been wanting to get photos of these buildings because we think their varied architectural styles are charming.

The lagoon he had heard about turned out to be two separate lagoons, at one time connected by a stream, so both of them are called Tomahawk Lagoon. They are right beside Tomahawk Beach, the most easterly beach of a short string of beaches along the southern edge of Dunedin. The photo below shows the first Tomahawk Lagoon.

This black swan is swimming in the second Tomahawk Lagoon.

The photo below shows red-billed seagulls by the second Tomahawk Lagoon. Today Dave fished at the other end of this lagoon, by the reedy area in the distance. Today he saw two black swans with cygnets, a New Zealand shoveler (which is a duck with a bill like a spoon), and a pukeko (a native New Zealand bird that is blue and green with a red spot on its head). He took his binoculars with him while he fished, so he can multitask out there in nature -- catch fish and bird watch in the same expedition! It's nice to know women aren't the only ones who can multitask.

The first Tomahawk Lagoon has an outlet to the ocean at Tomahawk Beach. The photo below shows some spring wildflowers, and both of the beach photos show Lawyer's Head in the background. I wonder where the name came from.

Right above Lawyer's Head is a cemetery and golf course, with Dunedin in the background.

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