Tuesday, November 10, 2009


We just got home from three and a half weeks in Australia. It was research trip for me, so I was interviewing people in churches while Dave was sightseeing. First stop was Melbourne. We loved the combination of wildly contemporary and very old architecture. Here's the downtown and the Yarra River.

Next are three of the more dramatic buildings. First, the parliament building for the state of Victoria, then the main public library, and third the exhibition hall.

Melbourne has tons of amazing old churches. Here's one in the downtown area. I wish we could have taken pictures of more of them, but often we were whizzing by in a car.

We stayed in an apartment in a neighborhood called South Yarra, not too far from downtown. The main street in South Yarra, Toorak Road, is the high fashion district of the city. Sort of amusing that I was staying there. Lots of amazingly elegant women walking on Toorak Road near our apartment. Also lots of interesting architecture on Toorak Road near where we stayed, which you'll see in the next three photos.

Our apartment was on a side street, about half a block from Toorak Road. Across the street from our apartment was a very old duplex. The owners had painted the two halves differently, as you'll see in the next photo.

I did a lot of interviews in Melbourne. One of them was in a cafe in a neighborhood full of old houses. The woman I was interviewing said these houses were laborers' cottages in the early 1900s. They are now upscale homes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I took a bunch of photos on that street because I loved the variety of old houses.

The next four photos are not very good quality because I took them through the car window. (For the last one, the car was moving quite fast.) But they give a flavor of the very contempory architecture and public art that you can see in Melbourne.

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