Saturday, September 10, 2011

Paris: balconies

I've never been to New Orleans, but a friend once sent me a postcard of one of the famous wrought iron balconies there. For the first time, I wondered if the style of the balconies in New Orleans came from Paris. For me, one of the highlights of our week in Paris was the balconies. Dave got quite tired of my enthusiasm about them. (He said he found the balconies a bit boring. How can that be? I found them a ceaseless treat for the eyes. And I kept seeing cool balconies when Dave and I were apart and he had the camera, or when I couldn't get the camera out fast enough. So the balconies in this post are only a small sampling of all the ones I saw.) I wrote a post earlier about the view of the balconies across the street from the apartment we rented. Here are some more.

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