Monday, September 5, 2011

Paris: Our apartment

We've rented an apartment in the Montparnasse neighborhood in Paris. We're in a "modern" building, perhaps dating from the 50s or 60s, on the fifth floor (by European counting) or the sixth floor (by American counting). The highlight for me is the view of the apartment buildings across the street, grand, elegant old buildings. The wrought iron balconies differ from one floor to the next, and I enjoy looking out the window comparing the designs.

our apartment building (with a supermarket on th ground floor)
the buildings we see when we look to the left

the building directly across from us

When we were out walking our first day in Paris, we saw another row of apartment buildings with somewhat the same style, which I think is beautiful.


Nouveau Chef said...

Oh how wonderful! I'll be living vicariously through your photos. Enjoy the "joie de vivre" while you are there! xo lynn

Greg said...

Wow !